The Menopause Mafia. This tag came along when several of my girlfriends and I were sitting around the kitchen table talking about the changes in our bodies, and all that entails.

Come to find out, we were all having the same thoughts. Feeling like we've let ourselves go, struggling to either maintain our figure or loose weight...hormonal changes!  Good grief.  Everyone had something to share.  Should we take HRT (hormone replacement therapy) or go the natural path with a homeopathic doctor, or do the HCG diet, or exercise (heaven forbid!).  This might be a good place to mention our beautiful, Lance Armstrong, treadmill that we have in the office...the plastic is still on it and currently it has become a shoe rack.

So I come away from that evening around the kitchen table thinking...this is it!  I can do this!! I can renew myself!!!  I just have to decide what route to take.   

Yeah...not so much.  Truth is, I like to eat AND what's more, I like pastries! Donuts, cakes, pie...I actually day dream about birthday cake.  Who does that?!?!

So I went out and bought a grocery cart full of healthy stuff. 
I got on the treadmill, once. Each day I'd wake up on a diet and end in failure.  Have you seen that commercial?  So true. Anyway, then I went on to try the HCG diet.  One word, BRUTAL!  Only 500 calories a day, really?? So you take a  hormonal, menopausal woman and try to make her live on 500 calories a day???  Insanity!  Oh I lost weight, like a lb a day, but in the end I just couldn't do it.  I was hungry! 

Then, my sister~in~law said she was going to try the "The 17 Day Diet", so I bought that book as well.  Turns out, you actually have to read
the book and follow the plan, just purchasing it did nothing for my motivation, go figure...

And then, it happened.  I got on the scale one day and was
in complete astonishment at the number looking back at me. I was almost rendered speechless, almost. That did it.

So now, I'm on the Weight Watchers train and with no plan's to get off.   Slow but steady, just like the little
engine that could!