My entire family is mentally ill.  Now I know that sounds like the intro into what might turn out to be a humorous post,  but no, it's not.

Just quickly, off the top of my head, this is how I see it.  We have two alcoholics, one pot head, one hoarder, and one "not so sharp" tool in the shed.  That leaves me and I know for certain that I am a nervous Nellie.

Now there's two thoughts on my being a nervous Nellie.  A - I inherited it from my family or B - my family caused it.  I think it's a little of both A & B.  I am, however...medicated.  As long as I take my meds, the world makes sense.  No, that's  not right.  It doesn't make sense, it's just tolerable.  Yes, that's it.  I'm medicated so that I can tolerate my entire mentally ill family.  When you consider the fact that I am the most sound one among us; one must wonder, how did that happen?  Maybe all the planets & stars were aligned in the appropriate order so all my chromosomes fell in just the right place at conception. 

I was thinking about "wonder" earlier.  It went something like this; here I sit, thinking of my son.  Wondering how much he's had to drink this evening.  Wondering how long this can go on.  Wonderng why.  Wondering how long I will have him in my life.  Thinking that maybe planning Daddy's memorial was a dress rehersal for my son's memorial.  I can tell you though that  I know that's not a pretty word, but it's the right word.  Please forgive me Emily Post.

I watched him today, from across the lunch table, and wondered what thoughts were going through his head.  He's oh so very quiet.  What's going on in his mind?  So I ask him.  He say's lots of different thoughts.  I say, like what?  He tells me this & that...but he's just appeasing me I think.  I'm not sure if I'll ever really know my own son.  I'm not sure that he knows himself.  In fact, I'm sure he doesn't .  He seems so uncomfortable in his own skin.  He seems uncomfortable emotionally too.

There's a definate science to the physical & emotional things his feeling.  Our bodies require certain nutrients, certain elements to function accordingly.  When we do not eat right, or hydrate, or get enough rest, it's reflected in how we feel.  Our bodies begin to talk to us.  This in turn, affects everything else, our thoughts, our emotions, our ability to reason, or be happy.  It's truly miraculous when you stop to think about it.   

So when I lay my head down on the pillow tonight,  I will still wonder.  I'll wonder and pray and most likely never understand why. 
"I'm ok....just confused..."

That's what his text said.  A mother knows when her son is struggling.  A mother knows...  Oh how I wish sometimes that I didn't.  But that's not who I am.  I'm the mother that knows; that wishes I could take all that hurts my son and absorb it into myself.

I've always jumped in and cleaned up his mess.  Like a big sponge absorbes liquid.  Had I allowed him to feel the consequences of his own actions as an adolescent, maybe this wouldn't be happening.  There are some things that  as parents we  just can't, or shouldn't fix.  I don't know...I just don't know.  No need to go over it time and again.  It is what it is.  I have to live in the now.  Living in the past will not serve either of us.    

What is it though?  What destructively evil afflication, what pestilence, invades someones heart, their mind, to the point that it destroys them?  If you ask him, he'll say nothing.  Nothing bothers him.  He say's he just "likes to drink", it's as simple as that.  Well I'm just not buying it.  I'm just not.  How could that be?  How could that possibly be??  I feel strongly there is something more.  Something that hurts so deeply that he can't even speak it.  Maybe I've seen too many movies...or watched intervention to many times.   

In an emotional cry out to God, I express a sense of urgency.  I hurt.  My entire soul hurts.  His situation is dire, it's all too consumingly terrifying.  Please God, please intervene and get Shaun back to where he needs to be.  Back to treatment.  Amen   

As I pen this post, there are so many emotions flitting about the page.  There's anger, frustration, guilt... .. . Anger because when he hurts, he gets to drown his pain in alcohol.  When I hurt, I just get to hurt.  Nothing to drown it in for me. 

They teach, "Relapse is part of recovery."  I'm sorry, I find no comfort in that fact.  So I turn to the Great Comforter.  I attempt to drown my pain with God's Word.  Through scripture & verse.  
It was just a few days ago that we sent Shaun a card with this picture & words of encouragement.

I've only spoken with him on the phone a handful of times since he's been in treatment.  Each time though, some of his comments laid the groundwork for an early exit from the program.   

Things like "I'm stuck on step one.", "I don't want to work the steps.", "I don't want you to come up for family weekend, it's too emotional.", "You don't need to come pick me up when I leave, they have a shuttle that goes down to the valley.", "Alcoholics are sick, that's why they call it an illness, our brains do not process information the way most people do.", "I'll have to fight this daily for the rest of my life."  

So I wasn't at all surprised last night when his advisor called me.  I saw the name come up on the caller id and with it, the same old sick to my stomach familiar feeling engulfed me.  Which brings me right back to where I've been so many times with Shaun. 

When does it stop?  When does he mature?  I've often cried out to God, "How much do I (we) have to endure as parents?"  

Shaun has said that the program is great, it's just not for him.  Out of all they're teaching him, he hangs onto relapse is part of recovery.  That's just an excuse to drink.  I know Al-Anon teaches progress, not perfection, but in Shaun's case, relapse could take his life.

After I spoke with his advisor, they allowed Shaun to call me.  I said all the right things.  I said "I can't believe you would give up on yourself like this?",  I said "Shaun please, please, I don't want to have to bury you.",  I said "If you won't do this for yourself, then do it for me.". 

Of course he tried to encourage me by saying that it won't happen again.  I told him that I believe that he believes he can control it.  However, I also told him that historically that hasn't proven to be the case.  I said "What coping mechanisms have you learned that will ensure this doesn't happen again?".

I asked that tonight while he's lying in bed, please think about what we've talked about.   I told him to be honest with himself.  I suggested that he go back to just getting through each day vs thinking about 60 days or 90 days from now.

God has begun a good work in Shaun.  God has opened all the gates.  If Shaun leaves the program, that is not of God.  That is Shaun.  The Holy Spirit is such a gentleman.  He won't fight Shauns free will...He'll just simply tap him on the shoulder in hopes that He reaches Shaun's heart. 

Please, dear friends, lift Shaun in prayer.  He is worthy, he is God's child first & foremost.  Amen


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