Look at that face!  That cute, sweet, innocent, freckled face!  Gosh what I wouldn't give to be able to go back in time. 

This was Shauns first grade school picture.  Just think, at this age he thought there was nothing mom couldn't take care of.  

There are allot of good memories around this age.  Birthday parties, matchbox cars, and baseball cards!   

Fast forward 27 years or so...
Now look at this face.  That cute, sweet, innocent, freckled face has been buried under years of poor choices and alcoholism.

And the truth is, even if I could go back in time, most likely things would remain the same.  It seems that this is God's plan, God's path for my son.  Oh how I wish I understood why.

God continues to place people & situations in his path and he doesn't see them.  A total stranger found him in the street and stopped to help him last night.  A total stranger called me, a total stranger stayed with him until we got there.  He was an angel of mercy, I have no doubt, sent by God.

On the way to the ER, I called the rehab center and asked if they would take Shaun back.  I had to speak to the owner, but the end result was yes.  They would take him back.  The second angel of mercy showing up to nudge Shaun into sobriety.

Once in the ER, A woman in the next bed over heard us talking and stepped into our room.  She said she didn't mean to intrude, but she had heard our conversation and wanted to give Shaun her son's phone number.  Her son had been a long time alcoholic and finally surrendered to God.  He has since gone onto 20 years of sobriety and is a warrior for Christ.  She was choked up as she told the story and told Shaun that God loves him.  Another angel, sent by God.

Today I talked to him about our lives, and God's design for our lives.  I pointed out to him all the angels of mercy that God placed in his path yesterday.  I shared with him about "free will" and about how much God loves him.  I asked him to please surrender to God, so that should he die he would go to heaven.  

As we talked, it was hard to hear him say that he didn't care if he lives or dies.  It was hard to hear him say that he has nothing to live for.  I'm not sure if he said those things as a form of manipulation, or if he genunily feels that way.  Either way, his is a very troubled, disturbed soul. 

When he was a young boy, about 7th or 8th grade I believe, he did accept Christ at church camp.  Do you think that moment, long ago, counts?  Tom say's it does.  I pray it does.  Please pray it does.



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