In this room...God lingers.  The room I'm speaking of is the student center at our church.

Miracle's do happen.  I've discovered that miracles are in moments.  Moments of progress, moments of change, moments of hope that give us the courage to press on through our lives.

Last Friday night we attended Celebrate Recovery with my son.  Celebrate Recovery is a program much like AA only Christ centered.  I was thrilled that Shaun agreed to go and actually went.  This was a
miracle moment.

Upon arriving at the church we saw our dear friends. These were the friends we first met when we started at  Mission Community Church.  I feel strongly that seeing them was confirmation that we were suppose to be there.  Another miracle moment.

The meeting started at 7:00PM, in the student center, in the room where God lingers...in my mind & heart anyway.   As we sat down in our row, Shaun was tearful, and apologetic for having left the treatment center.  I put my arm around him and said, "I know.  We'll figure it out.  We'll just keep working on it."  The "it" I speak of is his sobriety.

Our friends sat right next to us and I couldn't help but think of the memories, of the moments we've shared, in this room and at Mission.  We've both lost a parent in these last few months.  I lost my dad, and she lost her mom.  Their memorial services were in this room.  Just another confirmation that we were where we're supposed to be.  I thought of daddy, I felt his presence in my heart, his support in this miracle moment

As the meeting commenced, and after worship, the speaker began to share.  I was overwhelmed with all the confirmations that were coming our way!  We were in the right place in this miracle moment.

The topic was gratitude.  He shared that given our situation, the situation being whatever brought us to CR, it could be difficult to feel grateful at this time, for anything.  He shared a bit of his story and in so many ways, he was speaking directly to Shaun.  Miracle moments abound!

He shared of not wanting to work the program at first,  AA or CR.  He shared of feeling different, of feeling unique.  He shared that he recalls feeling "Well that might work for you, but not me."  He shared that someone told him "You could be so unique, that it kills you."  Literally.  He encouraged us to embrace "we", embrace the help, the program.

He shared that he was so consumed in his own world that he couldn't see the forest for the trees.  He was so wrapped up in the details of his daily life, that he couldn't see others, couldn't see past his own problems.  Needless to say, that just resonated with me, as Shaun does the same thing.  A miracle moment, a confirmation.

He shared that if there were just a little pill that would fix his alcoholism that would be great.  OMG!  Shaun has said & tried that so many times, to no avail.  He said that with that type of treatment alone, you may end up sober, but it would most likely be sober & miserable.  Moment!

He shared Philippians 4:6, which is my signature verse.  I've clung to this verse so often. 

Philippians 4:6
New International Version (NIV)

6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

This was another confirmation that we were in the right place, another miracle moment.  He spoke of the disease of alcholism.  He shared that at times, when he thought of having a drink, just one drink...he stopped.  He new that because of the disease, if he did that, it would only be worse, not better.  Drinking again is always worse, never better.  Another miracle moment.

He said don't stop before the miracle happens.  Please see my previous post An Early Exit, dated 09/3/2012, to see the miracle, the confirmation, in this moment.

When the meeting was over, we broke up into smaller groups.  As I entered another room I was greeted by someone that had initially greeted us seven years ago when we first started at Mission.  Confirmation...moment.   

Soon the evening came to an end.  As we walked to the car Shaun said that he would go again.  So, here we are.  Praying to get from one Friday to the  next without relapse.  I have no doubt that the enemy will try to attack.  He does that whenever progress is made to further God's kingdom.  I also have no doubt that God is bigger & stronger than the enemy and I know He loves Shaun.  Amen.

I ask all my readers to please join me in continuing prayer for my son Shaun.  He is worthy.  Amen

Faith Buhager
19/11/2012 12:54:22 pm

Oh my, Jenny, you always leave me speechless. What a blessing this particular blog is. We are standing with you in the miracle...it is one day at a time:)


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